Today is my Mum's birthday. We live a LONG way away from each other, what with her outside of Sydney and me in Denve. We don't talk as often as I'd like to. We don't live as close as we'd like to. She doesn't get to see her only grand-daughter as much as she'd like to. It's not all my fault, but I'm the one that move a million miles away so... you know... what did I think would happen?
I've always admired my Mum. I adored her as a youngster (minus some of the teen years when, according to diaries I kept at the time and read YEARS later, were filled with teen vs Mum fights and drama that I had all but forgotten once we stopped living together when I was age 18) and always, always thought that she did a wonderful job being a Mum. By the time that I was the age that my daughter is now, my Mum had another toddler and was pregnant with the third... or damn close to it. Can you freakin' imagine?? I sure as hell can't. Urgh, dear lord, the diapers. The diapers!!
Anyway. All of this is to say that a) it's my Mum's birthday today and b) it's Mother's Day on Sunday and c) my Mum is aces. That's all, really. I mean, sure, she's as nuts as they come and I'm well aware of various levels of crazy that I've inherited, genetically or by learned behaviors, directly from her... but I love her guts none the less. She's my Mum, for godsake. Sure, she's nuts, but only I'm allowed to say that. Not you. You shut up.
I love you Mum. Happy birthday! Happy Mother's Day. Thanks for being my Mum, you crazy kook. xoxo
In Which She Writes Promises Her Blog Can't Cash
2 years ago
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