Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Yes, well. I'm a liar, aren't I. This isn't regular posting at all! Pathetic! LIAR, LIAR!

Of course, the minute I sit down to do this the dryer starts making that fabulously annoying 'buzzzzz' noise to tell me that it's finished the most recent cycle of not-really-drying-anything-adequately. The last of the 'zzzz' tells me that I'll probably need to set it to run again, if I wasn't kidding about wanting stuff 'dry', as opposed to 'warm, but still a bit soggy'. I wasn't kidding, dryer. Why can't you work better? Why don't you do what I say? Why am I being sass-talked by a freaking dryer?

Still determined to do this blogging thing, but right now I'm being distracted by the always-fabulous Real Estate Intervention. Folks are delusional, yo. Also: I can't believe how much houses cost in some parts of the country. And, conversely, how MUCH house you can buy if you are willing to live somewhere like Georgia or Texas. I'm not, of course, willing to live such places but were I in the market to own a huge McMansion in a sub-division of hot, sticky suburbs in the the South, I'm confident I could find something perfect. Hopefully with beige walls.

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