Thursday, December 4, 2008

The weather outside...

It's white out there. Very white. Very white, and very cold.
Every day, I'm torn between loading Ruby up into the car seat, tucking in the blanket, putting on the hat and hoodie and all the rest of it and getting her all rugged up before we go outside OR just carrying her on my hip and the car seat separately and loading her up once we're in the car. On the one hand, I know she's much snugger and warmer if I use the former method. On the other hand, that car seat, with her in it, weighs a freakin' ton and I'm worried about popping a hernia heaving her around in that thing lately.
I always thought that my super-Mum arm strength would just increase as the weight of the 'rig' increased with her in it but that hasn't happened. Instead, one day, I attempted to pick the whole shebang up with my left arm and nearly fell over on top of her trying to get some air between the floor and the bottom of the car seat. Good LORD that thing is heavy. I either need to bulk up or figure out a new system, clearly.

In other news: she's sprouted a second tooth over the past weekend, and it was a little rough for all involved. Sleeping and napping for crap, whiney and grizzly and generally fussy and out of sorts (and then there was the baby! hey-oh!). Poor kid. Last night was better, so we might have made it though the worst of it. She'll get to spend tomorrow hanging out at home with her Grandma Garn, so perhaps some time away from the daycare (and screaming daycare kids) will help calm her down to her normal lovely self? I'm still not in love with this daycare either, which bothers me constantly like a low-grade fever about which I feel compelled to do very little other than 'keep an eye on it' for right now.

Here's a picture I stole from Tyler's Flickr page, from the 6-month shoot. She's seven months old next Wednesday! Good grief!

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